Once your order has been placed and payment processed, you will receive an automatic email immediately confirming your order. This is your receipt and should be retained for your records, in our effort to save trees we do not include an invoice in your order.

This email will contain an order number at the top, a detailed list of your order, as well as the shipping and billing details as provided by the purchaser. Please check it over for accuracy and notify us at once if you notice any discrepancies.

If you do not receive this email, contact us ASAP. Your email address may have been typed incorrectly or this email may have been filter by a SPAM blocker set on your email program.


Standard shipping charges of R95,00 will be charged, except oversized items, travel systems, car seats and furniture, which will carry a delivery fee based on size and weight, calculated on checkout.

Remote locations in South Africa may incur an additional shipping charge.

Kids Emporium Online reserves the right to apply delivery charges on irregular orders. Furniture, travel systems, car seats and oversized items will incur additional delivery charges.


We strive to ship as quickly as possible. We commit to 5-7 working days for delivery. In-stock items are processed and shipped within 24 – 48  hours of payment being received (does not include Saturday, Sundays or South African holidays).  Orders for items that are currently not in stock will be advised per e-mail.  If you notice any discrepancies on your order form, please contact us immediately to prevent any delays in receiving your order.


We always try our best to ensure that your package arrives within the stipulated delivery times or sooner. Of course, there are some things that are beyond our control like weather, delivery errors, courier services & supplier delays. Regardless of the reason for the delay, we will do our best to help you as best we can and endeavour to inform you as soon as we know of any impending delays.


Please notify Kids Emporium Online when placing your order, of any specific delivery times or instructions (within regular office hours / business days / delivery times and areas).

Should the courier service not be able to complete a delivery at the address specified by the customer, either due to an incorrect delivery address or unavailability of customer or assigned persons to accept the parcel, within regular delivery times, Kids Emporium Online may at its discretion charge the purchaser a delivery fee (equal to or lower than our standard delivery charges) for the subsequent delivery of the package.

You were not leaving your cart just like that, right?

You were not leaving your cart just like that, right?

Enter your details below to save your shopping cart for later. And, who knows, maybe we will even send you a sweet discount code :)